Friday, January 25, 2008


Krystal Tamerra Gourley

English 1020


January 25, 2008


I don’t think that there is anything wrong with someone wanting to feel beautiful or even sexy. I also don’t think that there is anything wrong with a girl wearing something a little risqué to catch the attention of another woman or man. I don’t think that there is anything wrong with a woman getting pedicures, buying nice clothes, or even buying handbags that cost $500. I do however believe that if a woman wants to feel sexy then she should feel and be sexy. If someone where to read this they might believe that I may be somewhat superficial.
However I want you to tell me what is it about me that makes me superficial? Is it the fact that I bought polo boots when they first started to get hot here in Memphis? Or could it be that I wear MAC make-up that cost $30 for little glass tube of foundation. Could it be that I work at Express Clothing Store, or maybe because I couldn’t go a day knowing that my toes aren’t painted. Call it what you will but if you wanted to do or have something that makes you feel comfortable why not?
Who say that you’re superficial because you want the finer things in life and you have been blessed to receive those things. Now I will admit that there have been people in the past, present, and the future that have been frivolous with their money. But tell me what it that makes me superficial and not you is.


Krystal Tamerra Gourley
January 25, 2008
Love with your mind
I personally believe that you love with you mind and not your heart. The reason as to why I say this is because you heart has nothing to do with how you love. The job of the heart is to circulate blood through out the various systems in your body. Your mind’s job however it to control how you think and how you perceive things. If something is attractive to you, then you mind will indicate that for you, not your heart.
If your heart thought for you then the world would be dangerous, and nobody would know what in the hell was going on the world would be over populated with peoples and disaster. Some people have said well it is your heart that tells you that you must love one another. I said umm no that is a fucked up concept that somebody has spoon fed you for the past 20 or 75 years. That concept is so overrated and incorrect.
Take for instance if I gave you plate full of spaghetti would you eat it???? Well yeah you would because it’s food and food is appealing to you because you mind has told you that food is good for you because it keeps you from starvation and it’s pleasing to the eye. However if I gave you plate of African Jumping Spiders would you eat it????? HELL NO!! Why? Because they are spiders and, spiders are gross and you know that they can make you sick and taste disgusting. Also they are not pleasing to the eye. Its all a mind thing when you really look at it.
So in conclusion if your Girlfriend breaks up with you and your sad. Pull yourself out of that mindset and move on to the best of you ability. It makes you so much mentally stronger, and you feel unstoppable once you’ve gotten through it. However nobody said it was going to be easy…..sorry.

Public Eye 2

Krystal Tamerra Gourley
English 1020
January 25, 2008

Public eye

It’s funny how everybody expects you to be something your not, Change the way to act, look, eat, think, and perceive things. They say they do it to try to make you a better person, yeah right you try to change me to your liking. I have come to the conclusion that people are going to do whatever they damn well please, and you can talk until you black and blue in the face. At the end of the day they are still going to do what they want to and there isn’t anything that you can do about it. You can only hope and pray that they do the right thing.
Perfect example Brittany Spears, ok its obvious has gone off her rocker (that means crazy). However the media makes it seem like she is the only person that has lost their kids and went crazy. UGGGGGGG no that happens all the damn time. There are people on the news everyday who rape, beat, abandon their kids but you hear about them maybe one or two times. However Brittany Spears become hooked on drugs and all of a sudden she is all over the tabloids and in newspapers, and on MTV news. Quite frankly I am so fucking tired of hearing about her crazy ass. The only reason as to why they blow it up so big is because she is a celebrity. I guaran-fuckin-tee you that if she was a normal mother that still lived in Kentucky or whatever she is from. Nobody would care if she shaved off her hair and lost her kids. The biggest story on the news would be so dumb-ass Adolescent teenager who is anorexic, that takes naked pictures of her and posts them on the internet.


Krystal Tamerra Gourley

English 1020


January 25, 2008


I personally believe that I, Krystal Tamerra Gourley am and will probably always be a hermit-nerd. I don’t really has too much of a social life and in a weird way I kind of pride myself on that. It’s just something that I am not really too ashamed of. I mean if I don’t have much of a social life then I don’t there is nothing that I can really do about it, except get more friends. In this essay I will be talking about my past week starting on January 20, 2008 to January 25, 2008 on a normal everyday basis.
Sunday, January 20, 2008 I woke up and proceeded to go to church but never made it. (sorry god), anyway I stayed at my sisters house for the rest of the day and we went to Babies R’ Us and I bought, a few baby novelties for my sister, then we shopped around at some more places when home ordered Chinese and fell asleep. Monday, January 21, I woke up and watched T.V. all day and went out to the mall then I went home and I fell asleep. Tuesday January 22, I woke up and went to all of my classes, came back to Richardson Towers which is where I reside, and I went to get something to eat, checked my e-mail, talked on the phone for about three or four hours then I went to sleep.
Wednesday, January, 23 I woke up and went to all of my classes with a horrible headache. Came home and saw a flier for a party entitled “Beauty and the Greek” which was being held at the Plush. I thought about going but I just noticed that I am a horrible dancer so I just put the flier on my desk and didn’t even think twice. I sat down and began to study my Political Science notes for about two hours. Then I went to go get something to eat. I came back home and watched some T.V. Then I went to go take a nap then I woke up and went to go get my pedicure, while receiving my pedicure I fell asleep. Soon afterward I soon found myself asleep in my dorm room. Thursday, January, 24 I woke up proceeded to go to class and I soon came back home studied my sociology and math. Three or four hours later I went to go get something to eat and I went to check my e-mails. I talked on the phone for about three or four hours. Then I went to go see my friend Stacia talked to her for about four hours then I went back to my room cursed out my sister and then I went to sleep.
Friday January 25, 2008 I woke up went to all my classes and then I went to get something to eat with my friend David Leyva. You guy may know him he is a Fraternity member of Lambda Chi Alpha (I think I said it wrong). Then I went to my room with my friend Tonnita. Then I went to Salsa night and sweated like a nigga at a clan rally. Came home and now I’m typing these papers.
So what do you think?

Monday, January 21, 2008


Krystal Gourley
English 1020
January 20, 2008

Manifesto- A public declaration of principles, policies, or intentions, especially of a political nature.
Manifesto can be measured in an ineitable amount of ways, depending on the person. Many people can believe in many different types of principles, and intentions. Many people, including me has a manifesto built upon religion. However everybody does not believe in the trinity. So therefore I have decided to write my essay on three different types of manifestos that I personally believe in. I believe that fellow man should be treated with respect. Very similar to the old proverb. “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Evil strikes back (karma), and finally how a name is everything.
People demand and deserve respect, for the most part. Nobody should be treated unkindly, and no one should be cruel. If everybody understood that basic concept then we wouldn’t have jails, insane asylmns, or the death penality. Some people say that respect is gained. I too am one of those people who feel that respect should be earned. It’s sad to say that the world would be a great place if people were not here to destroy it. It seems like nobody respects anything today. Every time I turn on the news someone get killed or kidnapped or something else that is barbaric. The world just doesn’t have too much room for respect, and that does something to me personally. Parents don’t even respect their kids today. Abortion and adoption are both at an all time high, and it seems like nobody even cares. Respect is a small word with a huge meaning. People don’t even respect themselves today. Teenage suicide is also at an all time high, simply because people can not love themselves enough to save themselves.
I too believe that Evil has it’s own way in striking back. Or in simpler terms “Karma”. Whenever evil deeds are performed I strongly believe that evil deeds are returned. Nobody has license to hurt or confuse other people just for the sake of doing it. People kill and steal everyday just to say that they did, or just to prove to themselves how manly or womanly they are. The funny thing is, people do obscene things everyday and think that nobody sees what they do. It doesn’t matter if you go 30,000,000 miles away from where you are, to do only god knows what. Whatever you do stays with you, and it tears up your morals. That is if you even have any. Believe it or not there are some people who could go out here, rape and kill a three year old little girl or boy and not think anything of it. However everybody always has something coming to them.
Finally I believe that a name is everything. No matter how much money you posses, or what you look like. People will talk about you until the day you die. However you should not give them a reason to even do so, unless they are heartless. Take for instance myself. I am pretty much a hermit-nerd who believes that I should always have my priorities in order such as: religion, family, school, and friends. (Not in order). Anything other than those things are not too important to me, because I know that they will always be there and they will never go away, but for someone to call me a whore or a hoe would be a complete and total lie because I am one to not one to be big on sex or sexual activity. Truth be told I am still a virgin and that is something that I value everyday when I wake up and even when I go to bed at night. Many people think that I am obnoxious, rude, crazy and a down-right bitch. However the people that say those things have never sat down and had an educated conversation with me. They just assume or was fed some bad information. Many people think that I am hilarious, smart, beautiful, and humble, and those people have sat down with me and have had an educated conversation with me.
In conclusion my manifesto is very diverse, and I couldn’t just be based on one thing, due to the fact that I believe in many different things that revolve around my world, so in a way all of these interesting beliefs make up my manifesto. I live by these principles everyday, in order to make me a better person.