Thursday, February 21, 2008



For the past couple of days I have been feeling a little under the weather. Don’t rightly know exactly as to what it could be. All I know is that my stomach gets these weird, painful feelings at times, and sometime I’m really very hungry like on the point of starvation and at other times it’s like I can’t even fathom the sight of food. It all started last Monday at around noon I was going to class like I normally always do, then I notice that my stomach was beating like a snare. Then I said to myself maybe I’m just a little hungry, oh well I will get something to eat after class, but then my stomach wouldn’t allow me to go on being hungry. I found this rather odd that I was going to be late for class because of my hunger. I was always able to contain myself when it came to eating.
The next day the pain struck me in my sleep I felt as if I were going to throw up and I got extremely hot while lying in my bed. I too found this rather odd, because it is winter…who sweats in the winter?? So I began to drink more water and fluids I thought that perhaps maybe I could have just been a little dehydrated, but no it wasn’t that either. Well just yesterday I was talking to one of my friends about it. She said,” Well maybe your pregnant.” I said “What!!! No way”. “Well you’re showing all the possible signs”. night sweats, nauseous, hunger issues. ”Yes” she said you’re definitely pregnant. I said, “ “I can’t be pregnant”, “why do you say that”? She said. Without thinking I screamed out BECAUSE I’M NOT GETTING NO DICK. Out loud in the middle of the tiger den. Talk about embarrassed.

Monday, February 18, 2008


Krystal Tamerra Gourley

English 1020


Feb. 14, 2008


Crash is an interesting movie about the lives of about seven strangers. Who don’t know anything about each, however they come into contact with each other due to lives of crimes, sexual exploitation, and racism. The main moral of the story was, you never know what or who you will come across in life, so just be careful.
The main propaganda of the movie was that all of the characters had different lives, and that the lives of these various people all affected each other. When I saw this movie I asked myself, “How does this show any type of propaganda?” I just think it talks about life in general like of how people act in everyday life, and that everybody’s life is different. It kind of goes along with the saying that life is cruel and unfair, and this movie proves this statement as being true.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Krystal Gourley


English 1020

Feb. 12, 2008


When I first saw Monster I though to myself three basic concepts why is it that she decides to live her life in a state of prostitution? Why is it that she feels as if she needs to kill these men in order to seek revenge? Last but certainly not least what kind of propaganda does this represent?
The story monster talks about a woman by the name of Aileen who is a middle aged prostitute who really just wants to be loved by “that” special man. She searches in hopes of finding love though prostitution due to the fact that she is lonely, and feels that sex is her only way in finding any love. Throughout the movie she falls in love with a girl by the name of Shelby, and they both become lesbian lovers. Unfortunately one night Aileen is raped severely by a man to whom she did not agree to perform acts of falchion. Ever since then she began to sleep with men and then kill them afterwards. Her lover Shelby turns her into the police she was later executed on Oct. 2, 2002.
The only reasonable concept that I could possibly come up with is why Aileen subjected herself to highway prostitution. Personally if she wants to be loved that bad then she may need to start to live a clean life and stop the prostitution, and straighten up her priorities. Aileen was not in the least bit remotely physical attractive, and she didn’t care as to how people thought of her. Deep down inside she wanted to be pretty with manners and have a shot at love; however she was just too trifling to care.
When Aileen went on her killing spree that however caught my attention the most throughout the whole movie. Yes, I totally understand how she could have been mentally affected by the fact that she was raped. She could have reported the man that did this to her, then later on sought psychiatric help. Unfortunately she did not go about these situations in the right way. Maybe, she felt as if there was any man who would have picked up a prostitute. He was a ruthless dirty son of a bitch and did not deserve life. However that was not he decision to make.
The Propaganda? Well basically I thought that the main reason for this movie was to show individuals about the lives that people encounter every single day. Aileen was not one to have a “normal” life if you will. However she was her own man that lived a dangerous life of crime and suffering. Personally I think that we as individuals need to really know someone before we call somebody trash or a piece of shit because you never know exactly what someone has been through. Another main piece of propaganda was to show individuals that not only should you watch what you do, but look at the actions that could come from it, because living a dangerous life of crime is only going to put you in one of two places. Prison, or, six feet underground.

Saturday, February 9, 2008


English 1020


Feb. 7, 2008


I am extremely nervous for something this weekend. I really don’t want to say exactly what it is. I just can’t stop thinking about all the “what if’s”, but I guess that is normal when you nervous. Not only am I Nervous for the sake of what is happening this weekend I am also very nervous about my sociology class we have not had a test yet I that class, and the teacher is a very comical man however he is just not a good professor, And something tells me that the test that I am going to have in his class I just might not be ready for. The tests are all open book though, but he said that there was no way in the hell that we were going to pass that test unless we studied for it. However it is hard to study something that you don’t understand. I am also nervous about my political science class because he does not hand out study guides and each test is over six, yes six chapters, and I’m thinking how in the hell can you test us over six chapters and not give us a mother-fucking study guide… I was

Monday, February 4, 2008

Random #1

My roommate was talking to me earlier today and she is still a little a hesitant as to who she will vote for in tomarrows election. She feels as if she could possibly have a slight cold. She also told me talk about how i should talk about one of my ex's beat up a girlfriend of mine. Aparently there was a shooting at a high school today, and for some reason they are deciding to keep it on the "down-low". she also talked about she wanted to take her braids out by the 22nd or the 23rd so she could have a fresh hair cut for her man, ryan. She kinda regrets getting the braids in the first place.
She also wonders if her friend chris accepted her friend request on facebook. She also said that she was going to ask him about a certain scar that he has on his head. Now she is counting up the games that we have to play. she thinks that we are going to loose of Feb. 13, 2008. Because we beat texas' ass. We are going to loose she says, we are going to loose. She currently heard a rumor that if we go to the final four classes will be cancelled. She is currently calling her friend Brittany, but she is sleep right now. I just noticed that she has in pearl earrings in her ears, but wait one of her friends just called her. Don't rightly know exactly who it is......wait it's Lauren.

Winston Quinn

In my doorm room sits Winston, a stuffed teddy bear that belongs to my roommate Timeikia Miller, Winston was given to her by her boyfriend Ryan, who currently serves in the National Guard. Winston was a valentines gift, he is currently one year old, going on two. He does'nt have much stuffing but my roommate talks about going and getting him stuffed. He is a cute little bear that has big brown eyes and a big brown smile. Whenever i look at him i think my stuffed animals that sitts on top of my bed.
I often find myself waking up at night looking at the clock, or going to the restroom and i look at Timekia's side of the room and there sits Winston. I see that my roommate really loves him a whole lot. I really think that Winston gives Timekia a sense of comfort which is a wonderful thing for her. If seems as if Winston could talk he would have alot to say about me, Timekia, and ect.
Now that i really look at Winston i just realized that he looks like the actor Allen Payne for some akward reason, or maybe i just need more contacts.



The topic that I will be discussing is in this paper is homeless, and exactly why is the rate growing every year, and exactly what is being done about the spreading of this world wide epidemic. Mrs. Sumner-Winter gave us instruction that we had to pick a topic discussing some of the major issues that we as Americans face every single day whether it is bankruptcy, living wage, coalition, or homeless. There was something that we all could either relate to or show remote interest in. I happen to choose homelessness because I felt that as a young individual I need to become more aware of exactly how many of our fellow American are lying on the streets all day and all night, and why they call that home.
Whenever I think of the word home I think of a place filled with love, food, and good times. Not a cold concrete surface with stray animals walking around, and the sound of cars passing you by right in front of your face. Whenever I drive down the street and I happen to come across a homeless person the first thing that comes to mind is how in the hell did they get themselves into the position that they are currently in. What in their lives went so horrible wrong to where you have to eat out of a trash can and wear greasy clothes, with bugs running all over your body? I often wonder if they will ever see what I see, and make the decision to actually go out into society, and make something of themselves.
My Aunt had a friend by the name of Trisha who worked as employee as a teller at First Tennessee. While she worked as a teller, she was going through her second miscarriage, a horrible marriage, which six-weeks later was going to result in a divorce, and to top it all off she had filed for bankruptcy. She felt like she could not deal with the stress of life so she began to experiment with cocaine. She soon became and addicted, Trisha was not able to support her habit so she began prostituting, as a result of that she lost her house and her family Trisha living in a trap house for two years. Until she was found beaten and raped to death. So I guess you could say that Trisha basically bought it on herself.
That just goes to show that there are many reasons as to why people are homeless. I have a friend by the name of Ryan who was kicked out of his Catholic high school and his parents’ house due to the fact that he was gay. Technically you can not blame Ryan for anything because having a particular lifestyle should never result in a person not having a home or, being beat up at school. Where is Ryan now? Well I hope he is still alive.
Personally I believe that there should be more homeless shelters in every city. I think it should be mandatory to have no less than five homeless shelters in a city. However one thing I have noticed is that most homeless shelters are in the bad parts of neighborhoods tell me exactly as to why that is. I also believe EEOC should get their shit in order and make ways for more people to be eligible to apply for housing. I also do believe that every citizen who is able should get out and work for what they want. True enough I want more homeless shelters in cities but if you know for a matter of fact that you are able but just don’t want to. Then maybe you should stay where you at. I also believe that if people choose to live in homeless shelters then they must be clean of drugs, or any airborne disease. These homeless shelters should help individuals find jobs, and encourage others to want to get out into society and work, until they get on their own two feet. They should come equipped with social workers, psychiatric help, and Transportation.
I do believe that if all homeless shelters should take more pride in themselves, and should be kept up just like any other home should be. As far as those who are homeless you know what your capabile of more than anybody else does.

The George Lopez Show

Krystal Gourley
Feb 1, 2008
The George Lopez Show

I would just like to take a few minutes to comment on The George Lopez Show. My personal feelings towards are inevitable. I absolutely hate that show I think it is stupid and pointless. I have watched 10 episodes and I did not find anything about those episodes in the least but funny. The father is a push-over who thinks that he has all the answers to everything but in actuality he is a spineless ameba. His wife is more concerned about looking good all the time and making sure that she always comes first in the family…fuck the kids it’s just all about her. George’s mother is a condescending asshole who needs to die. On the account of she is a miserable, old, geriatric, parasite that wants to make everybody around her as miserable as she is. In my opinion her character just needs to die off the show. The daughter only seeing hearts, stars, and horseshoes, clovers, and blue moons, pots of golden, rainbows, and red “fuckin” balloons…..enough said. The Neighbor is a nasty old pedophile that has a strong sex interest in George’s daughter. I just want the slap the horse piss out of him he disgust me in so many ways. That which finally brings me to the only character that I have a strong tolerance for which is George’s son. He rarely ever talks and when he does it is not nearly nowhere as stupid as the rest of them sound.