Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Ok so like my sociology class is kickin my ass and there is absoulutely (i think i spelled that wrong) noting i can do about it. Well first off i have the professor that is known for being impossible to pass, and his test are killer-ridiculous. I just try so hard to understand that basic concept as to what it is that he is talking about i understand like maybe 45% of what he is talking about. He is a wonder guy and i love him as a person, but as a teacher i think it is time for him to like fuckin retire because is is 69 years old. Sometimes i think he makes class hard on purpose. He like to start randomly singing opera in the class room, and it throws me off big time and i don't righty know why he does it but it is fuckin harlarious. and he is such a wonderful wonderful person, but is a horrible teacher.

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